
Cómo trabajar o estudiar en Reino Unido después del Brexit

  La vida en el Reino Unido después del Brexit, se ha complicado, y especialmente para las personas que no hayan estado en el 2020 en el país y hayan podido pedir su permiso de trabajo. A partir de ahora, para poder trabajar en el Reino Unido se necesita un visado si no has obtenido algunos de los estatus que otorga el Gobierno Británico. Había un período de extensión que creo que sigue vigente para poder pedirlo, pero las medidas están hoy en día un poco confusas. La situación para poder trabajar y empezar desde cero en Reino Unido se está complicando ya que, para poder trabajar vas a necesitar tener tu permiso de trabajo en alguna de estas formas, a través del "pre-settlement status" a través del "settlement status",  con el "British citizienship" o tener un pasaporte inglés. Vamos a ver ahora en detalle cada una de las opciones que al gobierno británico y como se pueden obtener: Si vivías en el Reino Unido antes del 1 de enero de 2021, puedes continuar ...

Vida Post Brexit en Reino Unido, ¿qué esperar?

En esta entrada me gustaría comentaros como es la vida  "Post Brexit" en Reino Unido, pues muchas cosas han pasado desde que el Reino Unido haya salido de la Unión Europea en el 2020. Pues ahora mismo se está en período de adaptación y no es fácil saber como va a cambiar. Vamos a ver que reglas han sido las más destacadas y te darán una idea de qué hacer si piensas venir a Reino Unido y no has estado aquí antes del Brexit. Medidas que afectan a los británicos después del Brexit Pasaportes y viajes Para los viajeros ingleses y los titulares de pasaportes del Reino Unido que viajen a la UE deben asegurarse de que su pasaporte tenga al menos seis meses de validez restantes y tenga menos de 10 años. Esto puede significar que las personas necesitan renovar su pasaporte o no podrán viajar a la mayoría de los países de la UE. Los titulares de pasaportes del Reino Unido pueden visitar sin la necesidad de tener una visa toda la zona Schengen  (que comprende la mayoría de los paíse...

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Easter in England, what´s traditional?

Easter is a traditional religious time all over the world, and it is not the same in UK. There are some food´s that are typical in Easter in UK, those are the following: HOT CROSS BUNS The traditional Hot Cross Buns. They are only available at the supermarkets during Easter times even though sometimes you can find them after Easter in many supermarkets. They are usually bought rather than baked. They can be eated toasted and buttered, or simply by adding butter to them. There are many flavors available today when it comes to Hot Cross Buns, the tradional ones include cinnamon, sugar and raisins, but nowadayes there are many types of buns available depending on each state, for instance, some included dried cranberries, blueberries, even some include chocolate or toffee. Needless to say, they are really delicious and usually eaten for tea time or after a meal in Easter time. They are only eaten in English speaking countries such as Australia, UK, New Zealand and some parts of the U...

Traditional English foods third part

In this post we will talk about more traditional English dishes, there are so many that  a lot of posts in the blog will be about this. Discovering English foods and traditional recipes are a way to learn their culture and some of them are surprinsigly really good and tasty. Usually England is not very well known for its cooking, but in fact it has a long tradition of recipes.  Fish pie: Fish pie or Fishermen´s pie is one of the most traditional English´s pie made with pieces of white fish or salmon or mixed both with salmon and white fish , sometimes adding some schrimps as well, and topped with mashed potatoes and cheese. It is similar to the Cottage Pie, just that this is made with fish instead of meat. Usually is done with haddock, pollock, cod and salmon. However, it can be done with any type of fish or seafood you like. The fish is boiled first, when it is ready it has to be mixed in cheese sauce or white sauce, possible some vegetables and finally the top is done...

Traditional English foods second part

There are still more English traditonal dishes that were not mentioned in the previous post. I am going to continue here the last post where I was talking about the most popular English dishes https://englishpractiseandculture.blogspot.co.uk/2018/02/traditional-english-foods.html . Here they are: Traditional English breakfast:   The traditional English breakfast consists of fried bacon, fried eggs, or scrambled eggs, beans, fried champignons, sausages and some slices of toasts with butter. It is served with coffee, tea and or orange juice. It can also include black or white pudding (English sausage). This breakfast is usually eaten on weekends most of the time, because it is when people has more time to cook it and enjoy it without the rush of going to work. After having this breakfast, a light lunch is followed, such as a sandwich. This is considered as a  fried breakfast, and it takes some time to prepare it. It is served in pubs and in many types of English r...

Saint David´s Day

Saint David´s  Day is the national day of Wales, and it is celebrated on the first of March. The popular flower for Saint David´s is the daffodil. It is a custom to wear leeks or daffodils attached to your clothes with a pin. Children and women often will wear some traditonal clothes. Saint David´s day is a bank holiday in Wales. The daffodils are considered the national flower of Wales. Wales has many different symbols which are: the leeks, the dragon, the daffodils, the welsh lovespoon and the red kyte (bird). The daffodil became associated with Wales in the 19th century, but, how they became the national emblem of Wales it is still difficult to say. Mostly, it is said that it is based on different legends, there is one legend that says that Saint David advised the Britons to wear leeks on their clothes, so that in the time of the battle against the Saxons they could distinguish one to another. After following the advice done by Saint David´s on the eve of the battle,...